About Me

I have had a camera in my hand since the age of 12. It was on a family camping trip, and I think I was getting on my mother’s last nerve. I remember her loading the camera with film, quickly showing me how use the light meter, and sending me out the door. I came back about 30 minutes later asking for more film!logo.jpg
I graduated from Northwest College, in Powell, WY, in 1991 with an Associates Degree in Photography. I then moved to Fort Worth, TX. After six years of knocking on doors I found my way into a commercial studio working for Radio Shack in their corporate headquarters. I spent 14 years working as a commercial photographer for various companies, photographing everything from weddings, portraits, fashion to home sets to cosmetics and jewelry. For the past three years I have run my own business, Christine Kronz, Photographer LLC.
I am proud to be living back in Wyoming. I have a deep love for Wyoming and the Yellowstone area. The best thing about Wyoming is how it continues to change and is never the same from one visit to the next.